In the 鈥淥nline Enrollment鈥 page, the list of available subjects is displayed at the bottom.

  1. Click on the 鈥淓nroll鈥 button beside the subject to select a schedule for a subject. A list of available sections will be displayed afterwards.
  2. Click on the 鈥淓nroll鈥 button to select the section. Once selected, your slot for the section is already guaranteed.
  3. Once a subject is added, it will be listed under the 鈥淪ubjects Enrolled鈥 list.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to add the remainder of the subjects to be taken.

If you wish to change the section of a subject enrolled, you can withdraw a subject and select another schedule.

  1. Select the subject under 鈥淪ubjects Enrolled鈥 and click 鈥淲ithdraw鈥 (). You can select your desired alternative schedule by repeating steps 1-3 in 鈥淎dding of Subjects.

Once satisfied with the schedule, a student must submit their schedule to their adviser for verification. After verification, enrollment is OFFICIAL. Verification takes at least 1 business day.

  1. Click the 鈥淪ubmit鈥 () button to submit your schedule for verification.
  2. Upon submission, a message will appear indicating that enrollment will be final after verification by the adviser.
  3. Wait for the confirmation of your adviser at least one business day. These are the messages that can appear in the enrollment page after advising.When Denied:
    When approved:
  4. Update your profile. To update, open your MySilliman Account and click the 鈥淧rofile鈥 tile.